Thursday, August 19, 2010

Higher Property Taxes-- Decision by Fall 2011

Franklin Park Borough Solicitor, Ira Weiss has succeeded in getting our houses reassessed, most likely to higher values resulting in higher property taxes.
The following is an excerpt from Tribune Review of Aug 19, 2010:
County workers have evaluated 110,000 parcels of 570,000 countywide....By end of September, they should be finished with almost 50% of properties....The time frame will give the County enough time to conduct neighborhood comparisons and finalize all the new values by next fall--meeting the court's timeline.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Borough Finances Continue To Improve

Borough Finances continue to improve while we continue to maintain/increase services. We have paved 10.4 miles of roads in 2008-2010 time period, well in keeping with repaving every road in the Borough every 15 years. We hired two new employees in 2008, in preparation for one retirement this year. We have 12 full time Police Officers now and limited Part Time Officers. We are adding a LaCrosse Field next year at Linbrook Park. Note the improvements in our website also, including the fact that we post all monthly bills on the website thus letting everyone know how the tax dollars are being spent.
As of July 31, 2010 we have $3.91 million in various accounts (Unrestricted= $2.4 million, restricted = $.51 million, Escrow = $.34 million, Enterprise = $.66 million). Net of expenses vs. income in the balance of the year will result in year end balance in various accounts of $2.5 million to $3.0 million.
We had over $652,000 in Unrestricted Cash at the end of 2009. We will end up with $1,100,00 in Unrestricted Cash at the end of 2010 thus starting the new year in 2011 with a great cash position.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Jane Hopey wants me Arrested

At the July 7, 2010 Work Session, Jane Hopey, my fellow Councilwoman wanted me arrested because I wanted to add a Motion to the Agenda to terminate the services of Attorney Ira Weiss for participating in unauthorized meetings in Southside and billing the Borough for it.

Max Junker of the Law Offices of Ira Weiss and Bob Nedzesky of WEC Engineers attended these unauthorized meetings in Southside at David Quatchak's office. These unauthorized meetings have been much publicized in the media. Ira Weiss has refunded $6,237.00 for his billings related to these meetings. WEC Engineers have not refunded any monies.

Instead of supporting me and punishing our Solicitor for participating in unauthorized meetings, Jane Hopey wanted me arrested for trying to have my Motion included in the Agenda for the July 21, 2010 meeting. Max Junker told us that I would be "Out of Order" for trying to make a Motion to terminate his services. At least I could understand Max Junker motive of self interest but I don't understand Jane Hopey for totally disregarding the interests of the Borough residents in favor of Max Junker.

My Motion to terminate the services of Solicitor Ira Weiss on July 21, 2010 was supported by Andrew Hrishenko. Voting against the Motion were Jane Hopey, Amy Sable and Richard Hartman with David Quatchak absent. The Motion to terminate the services of Attorney Ira Weiss failed.