Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our Solicitor works to RAISE our TAXES

Franklin Park Solicitor, Ira Weiss has won his suit against Allegheny County's Base Year Assessment system in PA Supreme Court. Judge Wettick is due to convene all the lawyers involved to start the process of "Court Mandated" Reassessments. The base year being 2002, property values have definitely appreciated in Franklin Park since then. The reassessments will raise the values of houses in the Borough resulting in INCREASED PROPERTY TAXES NEXT YEAR.

We have a Solicitor for the Borough, Ira Weiss who is working hard to RAISE OUR TAXES???


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Five Points Overlay BUSINESS District

The proposed Five Point Overlay District will create 5 storey buildings on both sides of Nicholson and Rochester Road. Starting at the Nicholson Woods Plan, the CONTINUOUS row of 5 storey buildings will wind around the Five Point Intersection and continue on Rochester Road. I am not sure how would the parking be handled unless people can park in Nicholson Woods and walk into the Business District on Nicholson. But then again, there are no sidewalks, therefore people will have to walk on the PennDOT Right of Way, basically on Nicholson Road. May be some businesses will build underground parking!!!
On Rochester Road, it will be even worse because the total PennDOT Right of Way is only 33 ft. The current two lanes and a small shoulder on either side totals 33 ft already. If you are faced with a 5 storey building on either side of Rochester Road all the way upto Franklin Nursery, I am not sure how will people enter or exit from this BUSINESS DISTRICT.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pandemonium in Council Meeting

July 15, 2009 Premeeting turned into a Pandemonium with people running in and out of the back room and all kinds of chatter and all because I was reading a statement regarding past contracts of the Borough with either Councilwoman Hopey or Councilwoman Martha Creese's daughter. Also, my statement included Councilman Hartman's conduct when he allegedly hit Rose Randolph at the Polling Station during the last Primary.
At 7:40 PM, President of Council Martha Creese called a "Recess" and the meeting ended abruptly. We sat around for the next 20 minutes until the public meeting started.

The Minutes of the July 15, 2009 currently reflect nothing about these happenings or the reason for the "Recess". I have asked the members of Council to revise the Minutes to at least reflect what transpired and what was the reason for the "Recess". I hope we can resolve our differences at the next Public Meeting on Aug 19, 2009 and correct the Minutes of the July 15, 2009 Meeting.